The Laws of
Electric Circuit
- you can learn
and practice by just reading
- Circuit Theory or Whatever
- I have taught Network Analysis I and 2, or Circuit Theory
I and II equivalent. Somewhere else they are called Electric Circuit I and
II, or similar titles. These two courses on electric circuit usually cover
about to dozen subjects. I can name them without opening a
textbook for the table of contents. I have taught the
subjects several years. They are: voltage, current,
power, resistive circuit, series and parallel resistance,
voltage divider, current divider, D'Arsonval meter
movement, Wheatstone bridge, Delta-to-Y transformation,
node voltage method, mesh current method, Thevenin
equivalent circuit, maximum power transfer, operational
amplifier, inductors and capacitors, transient analysis
of first order and second order circuits, Laplace
transformation, Laplace transformation application in
circuit theory, passive filters, active filters,
sinusoidal source, single phase power calculation, and
three phase power calculation.
- As you see here there are too many subject
to cover in 2 semesters. Worse, many universities are now
moving to merge two courses together into one course
saying electric circuit, and cover these ALL subject
within a semester. Of course they cannot teach them all
in a semester. Some subject they try to move to upper
level courses like signal and systems or electronics,
etc. Ironically, in the upper course, the lecturer always
assumes you know ALL the subjects and hits the next
subject after saying in the effect of "since you
took the electric circuit which is a pre-requisite of
this course, we move on to the next subject." Well,
raising you hand and raising the issue would not impress the
lecturer nor persuade to spend extra time to cover the
necessary pre-requisite material.
- Moreover, due to the fast-moving class with numerous
topics, your understanding of very funamental concept may be superficial and shallow. If you are smart and real smart,
and you are a self-learner and quick-learner, and reading your think
textbook over pizza is your norm, and you get A from the course, this
Circuit Law is unnecessary for you.
You are not my reader. Congratulations! Again Circuit Law is NOT for those students who want to
have deeper understanding of the subject covered only in
equations and with variables. My intended readers are
those who are not satisfied with a "theory" but
who are only satisfied with a real
sense of the theory. In other words, I write this to answer any silly
questions you may have but hold because of being afraid of rejection
or embarrassment. Actually, I originally started this
series after I received several e-mail questions on my
lecture notes posted. Answering the questions over email
required me to write in words not in equations. So comes
"the other side" of the circuit theory - Circuit Law. I am
going to add and I am doing now questions for you guys
and my answers in words so that the topics covered are
expanded and richer so that it evolves into a better
edition of the other side of circuit theory. So shoot
your question, and become a good circuit lawyer.
- Before I move on: Remember, though, the
other side exists only there is one side. So do not
ignore the side where you are with your textbook and your
lecture wherever you are. Here some of my lecture notes on Circuit
Theory and Labs: Circuit 1,
Circuit 2,
Circuit Lab (with Pspice
Simulation), and Lecture-Lab
Hybrid Circuit Course with personal instrumentation (Mobile Studio).
- Topics
- How to become a lawyer at electric circuit?
- Dependent Source?
- Have You Played Minesweeper Lately?
- Degree of Freedom or Sort of
- KCL and Zero Cash Flow
- KVL and Roller
Coaster Ride
- Power Calculation Blue
- A Convention where Talks Are All About
Polarity and Flow Direction
- Resistor
- Series and Parallel Resistors
- D2Y
- Voltage Divider
- Current Divider
- D'Arsonval Movement and Voltmeter
- TabletPC and Windows Journal Viewer
- Node Voltage Method
- Mesh Current Method
- Things to know for Node Voltage
- Tips
for Test Preparation
- How the Elements are connected - Dummy bare
- Thevenin Theorem? Prove it!
- Poor
- Do
we need this subject?
(Weapons of Mass Diminution)
- Node Voltage in Op Amp Circuit
- Test Voltage Method
- Oh! Hail Mary!
- Before
and After t=0 Analyses
- Why Transient Analysis?
- Five
Tau Rule
- Oh!
Hail Mary! (2)
- Can
You Take This Case and Save Kevin?