The Laws of Circuit - you can learn and practice by just
copyright. Charles Kim 2006
- Before and After t=0
- t<0 analysis and t>0 analysis: When
switching is involved in a circuit with R, C, and/or L,
with DC source(s), we analyze the circuit behavior before
the switching and after the switching event. Since the
switching event is usually assumed to be occurred at time
t=0, the analysis of the circuit before the switching is
normally called t<0 analysis, and the one after
switching as t>0 analysis. In these analyses, one
thing we have to know (and assume) is that (if you read
your problem statement very carefully, it usually says
that the circuit has been in such such state for long
time before the switching occurs at t=0, then it asks you
to find either v(t) or i(t) for t>0 ). A t<0 analysis
is 'steady state' analysis and t>0 analysis is
'transient analysis'. The point is that before t<0, the circuit
has been there for long time. How long is a long time? Well, you give me a
time and my 'long time' is slightly longer than your time. That means really
really long time. Actually, in practical sense, "long time" means that
capacitors in the circuit are fully charged (this means there is no current
flowing through the capacitors. Why? When capacitors are charged, they
are charged until the capacitor voltage is the same as
the source voltage. Then, current cannot flow since there
is no potential difference between the capacitor and the
source. Or you can say this way: the current through a
capacitor is determined by Capacitance (C) times the
derivative of voltage over time., i.e., i = C dv/dt.
Since the source is DC voltage/current, in steady state,
dv/dt becomes 0, because whatever V is it is a constant.
) If there is no current through an element, that element
can be modeled as an open circuit. This means in
"steady state" or t<0 analysis, capacitor
can be modeled as open circuit. How'bout an inductor? In
the inductor, t<0 period, it is fully charged until it
cannot be charged. In inductor current is charged in
magnetic energy form. When it's fully charged, the
voltage across the inductor is zero (that's why there is
no charge action). This can be similarly argued using the
voltage equation across the inductor: V=L di/dt. In DC
source circuit, the current i is a constant value, so
di/dt becomes zero. Therefore voltage across the inductor
is zero. Similarly again, an element whose voltage across
is zero can be modeled as a short circuit. Why? No
voltage drop means no resistance by Ohm's Law. No
resistance means R=0, which means two nodes are just
connected by a wire. Summary of t<0 analysis: (1)
steady-state is assumed by a 'long time' phrase; (2) C is
replaced by an open circuit (remember, voltage can be developed across an open circuit,
though. A 12V battery sitting in your garage, with two terminals are open,
as you know, the voltage between two terminals is 12V if the battery not
very old. So in the t<0 analysis, do not overlook the voltage across the two
terminals of the capacitor. This voltage across the capacitor is the voltage
maintained until the switching event at t=0 and it is called as "initial
voltage" Vc(0) ). Also, (3) L is replaced by
a short circuit (Remember, current flows through the
short circuit. This current amount is the current flowing
through the inductor until just before the switching
event at t=0. This current at t=0 is called "initial
current" or iL(0)).
- Now t>0 analysis. As I said
above, after switching event there is no "long
time" phrase. Instead, it asks just v(t) for t>0.
This actually means "v(t) for just a few
milliseconds after t=0". In other words, the
question for t>0 is just very short transition or
transient period right after switching. If the question
were "find v(t) after a long time", the
question is another steady state analysis after the
switching event. Then you'd apply the same approach for
t<0 analysis. But that's not the case here. I am
saying again, t>0 analysis is NOT steady state
analysis, but is transient analysis which focuses only
the first a few millisecondw after the switching event.
Think about your life. Before you move to this
University, your schedule had been quite a routine.
Wake-up, school, dinner, homework, TV, chatting, sleep,
then wake-up again. I would say your life was quite a
'steady' and in a 'steady state'. Now after a few years at
the university in the new town, you are doing the same
thing only without your parents' incessant check-ups.
Well, you'd say you're in a steady-state on campus. But I
guess you still remember your first orientation in a huge
setting and the first night at a hotel in a strange town,
folloed by a good-bye to your parents, new roommates, address change,
big load of class material, homeworks and exams, no
excuses, etc. And I can safely guess you'd say the
experience as passing through hell fire. But just after a
semester, you're snuggled and your phone bill is much
lowered and now you don't have to grab a flight in the
middle of the first semester in order to see if your bed
is still in tact. So the first semester can be called
'transient' period. To end the long story, t>0
analysis is myopic, short-sighted, short-lived analysis.
In the t>0 analysis, a target voltage or current is a
time varying entity, whether you have a DC source or not.
That's why voltage across even a resistor is labeled as
v(t), not just v. Remember in the transient period,
everything is time varying. Therefore in a new circuit
(altered by the switching action), you express the target
variable (v(t) or i(t)) using KCL or KVL. The resultant
equation is either first order or second order
differential equation. And they need initial conditions:
initial voltage or current. They are the ones already
found from t<0 analysis.