VIP Program at Howard University



Team SLatE8

Sign Language to English (Team advisor: Dr. Mohamed Chouikha) :

Ashley Williams (CS), Michelle Warren (EE), Vanessa Galani (EE), Delany Ramalho (CS), and Anphernee Wilson (CS).


Elevator Pitches: Michelle Warren and Delany Ramalho

Team Progress Presentation - Dec 2015




 Individual Conceptual Designs - 2014-15

Team Top Design - 2014-15

Storyboard 2014-15

 Presentation File 2014-15

 [This team won the Open Round of the Intel-Cornell Cup 2015 Competition and was selected as a Finalist (with free lodging and $1500 award and Intel Atom boards) for the competition slated at NASA Kennedy Space Center on May 1- 2, 2015. Previous Howard teams' Intel-Cornell Cup participation is found here. ]

Progress Presentations - February 2015 and March 2015 

Final Presentation -- April 2015

Team Slate8, after passing the Open Round of Intel-Cornell Cup 2015 and being selected as a finalist after the Competition's mid-term review, competed in the Intel-Cornell Cup 2015 Competition in May 1-3, 2015 in NASA (FL),  and won the Third Place award.  Check  Howard University teams for the details of the Slate8's achievement along with previous Howard teams competed in the previous Intel-Cornell Cup competitions.





Senior Design Class Webpage: WWW.MWFTR.COM/SD.html