VIP Program at Howard University
Howard University
Washington, DC 20059
VIP Director: Dr. Charles Kim (CKIM@HOWARD.EDU) Charles Kim
This program was sponsored by The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust for 3 years in 2015 as part of VIP Consortium Project to drive systemic reform of STEM education. Since then, additional financial support has been generously made by Northrop Grumman Corp, Lockheed-Martin, and other corporations.
What is VIP?:
The VIP program was created to overcome the fragmented nature of higher education, which is subdivided into research, education, service, and economic development and, for student learning, fractured and dissected into years, majors, and disciplines silos. The VIP program intends to reverse the fragmentation, and introduces a new type of long-term, depth-and-breadth learning environment that can keep students engaged and improve learning and career preparation. Under the VIP program, participating and completing a long-term practical team project provides a significant benefit for the students and the faculty advisors in terms of the continuity, technical depth, and disciplinary breadth involved in the project. The VIP at Howard is open to any student (regardless of majors) and any faculty member (regardless of departments) at Howard University.Amoo, M. E., & Bringardner, J., & Chen, J., & Coyle, E. J., & Finnegan, J., & Kim, C. J., & Koman, P. D., & Lagoudas, M. Z., & Llewellyn, D. C., & Logan, L., & Sonnenberg-Klein, J., & Trent, N. M., & Strachan, S. M., & Ward, B. C. (2020, June), Breaking Down the Silos: Innovations for Multidisciplinary Programs Paper presented at 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual On line . paper itself pdf.
Charles Kim, Building Faculty-Student Research Teams via a Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Framework , Scholarship and Practice for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) Quarterly, Summer 2018. vol .1, no.4, p. 48-49.
"Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Programs: Multidisciplinary Projects with Homes in Any Discipline," Paper presented at 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio.