VIP Program at Howard University
Howard University
Washington, DC 20059
Director: Dr. Charles Kim (CKIM@HOWARD.EDU)
Charles Kim
On-boarding Process for Industry
Through the VIP framework, companies can
connect with VIP students who, after the project period, are:
(a) Motivated earlier in their
academic careers - VIP attracts sophomores, juniors, and seniors actively seeking
challenges beyond classroom.
Comfortable in working in a group of large number of students from diverse majors
- Each team is multidisciplinary by
design, and VIP attracts students from all majors from college of engineering and other colleges;
(c) Equipped with the skill sets of the company’s area of interest
- Companies embedded the needed skill sets in the project description.
Team-oriented - VIP cultivates a culture of peer-mentorship,
with returning students onboarding new students and taking on increased level of responsibility each
VIP Sponsorship opportunity (pdf).
VIP on-boarding Process
Project Description(in
pdf or in
Word format)
Contact:Director (Dr.
Charles Kim, ckim@howard.edu) for VIP sponsorship opportunity.