EEatHU2020:  Website for the Electrical Engineering (EE) Students with NEW 2020 Curriculum

Electrical Engineering (EE) Program

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

College of Engineering and Architecture

Howard University


Advisor: Dr. Charles Kim  (; 202-806-4821; #3014 LKD)

The primary purpose of this website is to provide information on the EE degree curriculum 2020 and to help EE students to register correct courses in the correct order to satisfy the curriculum requirement for EE degree.  Note that this curriculum applies from Fall 2020 Semester entrants.


A. Curriculum

1. Know your EE 2020 Curriculum  (4-year plan)

2. EE curriculum's Math requirement starts from MATH156 Calculus I, the first college-level math course.  If you are a freshman, be ready with the result of Math/English placement test.   The test score will place which Math/English course you're allowed to take.  Here is an example.  If you do not start with MATH156-Calc I (the first college-level math course),  this is the sequence of taking Remedial MATH courses:  MATH005-College Algebra >> MATH007- Pre-Calc.  After Pre-Calc, you start to take the first College-Level math course, MATH156-Calc I.  Then you take MATH157- Calc II, followed by MATH158- Calc III.  After MATH158, you take MATH 159 Differential Equations as the last required college math course.

3. Freshman English Requirements:  Take one of the following pairs in sequence: ENGW102 & ENGW103   or  ENGW104 & ENGW105.

4. Earning 3 credits from VIP (Vertically Integrated Project) courses (EECE101, EECE201, and EECE302 - Faculty-Student Team Project (VIP) 1 cr each) would substitute for 1 EE/CpE elective course. (effective Fall 2023).  One cannot take more than 1 VIP course in a given semester.

5. Do not take EECE 310 Principles of Electronics --- this course is for non-EE majors. 

6. EE/CpE Electives are those 400 level EECE or CSCI courses: (ex) EECE 460, CSCI 453, EECE 416, EECE 410, etc.

7. Math/Sci Elective is either College-Level Math or Basic Science course.  (a) Some examples of college-level math elective include, calculus, differential equations, probability, statistics, linear algebra, and discrete math.   Pre-Calculus and remedial math do not count as college-level mathematics.  Since Calc I, II, III, and Differential equations are already required courses, practically, a College-Level Math elective includes any Math course above Math 159 Differential Equations.  Usually, MATH 180 Linear Algebra is recommended as the Math elective course.   (b) On the other hand, Basic sciences are disciplines focused on knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of natural phenomena and thus consist of chemistry and physics and other natural sciences including life, earth, and space sciences.  Usually recommended course for basic science elective is CHEM004 General Chemistry II, PHYS015 Modern Physics, COMP001 Life Science, COMP002-Planetary Science, or BIOL 003- Life Science Non-Major Biology.  (c) Summary:  Take either one College-Level Math elective as defined and recommended above OR one basic science elective course as similarly done above.

8. List of Elective Courses (African-American Studies, Social Science, Humanities, Basic Math/Science, and EE elective courses)

9. Selected Course taking order (pre-requistes and co-requisites): Keeping the sequence is mandatory.  The arrows indciate pre-requisite for the next course. Some courses are offered in Spring semester only; others in Fall semester only.


Registration Process [Is it obsolete now because of BisonHub?]

1. Pre-select your courses (University Class Schedule Search web site) and make sure there is no time conflict.  Use this trial schedule form (Excel or pdf or image(png)).  In this step, contact your advisor to discuss about the course selection and request for suggestion of courses.

2. Complete CEA Registration Approval Form (Fillable Pdf).  Remember (a) If you are on a scholarship, you need to take certain minimum credit hours every semester (usually 15, so please check with the financial office): (b) If you want to keep "full time" status financially, you need a minimum of 12 credit hours. 

3. Bring (or email) the signed CEA Registration form and the Trial Schedule (showing no time-conflict) to you advisor.  Once approved, your PIN for registration will be given to you, which you use for registration.   

4. If you get registration error, read the Error Message Description and, knowing what to do, fill out the CEA Registration Error Request form ( Fillable pdf) and bring/send it to the instructor (if time conflict error) or your advisor (for all other errors). 

5. Bisonweb Registration Errors (and their descriptions)


Other Information

1. Link to Forms & Petition (for Course withdrawal, Major change, course transfer, transfer course credit etc)

2. Minor Program:  (a) CS minor -- Requirement. (contact person: Dr. Harry Keeling - CS), (b) Math minor - (Contact person: Math department chair), and (c) Physics minor - (Contact person: Physics Department chair).

3. IEC's 2to4 Scholarship (for (a) present EE/CpE students who were transferred from any community college (including, among others, Montgomery College (MC) or Prince George's Community College (PGCC) or Northern Virginia Community College (NoVA),  (b) present any community college students (including, among others, MC or PGCC or NoVA) who are transferring to EE/CpE program at Howard University).  Here are some course-matching examples:  MC-Howard equivalent course list.   PGCC-Howard Equivalent course listEligibility requirement: U. S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.