Senior Design Class of 2019-2020

Dr. Charles Kim


Lecture Notes:

Syllabus+: First Class

Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: VIP Project and Teamwork:
(Link to VIP at Howard and VIP Teams
Lecture 3:  Design Process and Problem Formulation
  Problem Statement Form  (docx format and pdf format)
Lecture 4: Design Requirement
(Design Requirement Form in XLSX (and PDF)  and
Sample in XLSX format (and in PDF))
Lecture 5: Solution Generation
Lecture 6: (A) Standard and Regulation -- Regulatory Compliance
(B) Intellectual Property Rights and Contemporary Issues;
(C) Compliance Failure Investigation
Lecture 7: Video Presentation  (VIP Video Presentation Site)
Lecture 8: Life-Long Learning
Lecture 9: Peer Evaluation
Lecture 10: Planning Project Implementation
Lecture 11: Agile Project Management
Team work for Agile Management worksheet:
(L - R) Henry Odunze, Braxton Dula, and Madison Witcher.                             

(L - R) Oreoluwa Runsewe, Jason Collins, Anjolaouluwa Omoniyi, and Daniel Famakin.
Lecture 12: Progress Reporting & Presentation
Lecture 13: Oral Presentation
Lecture 14: Engineering Ethics - Ethics Lab & Ethics Essay
Lecture 15: Citizen Engineer & Socially Responsible Engineering  - Citizen Engineer Lab Report Form (in PDF and Word)


Revised Schedule for Progress Presentation and Final Presentation and Demonstration


Lecture 16: Final Stretch (Video [19:09]) - Final Presentation/Demo Format (pdf), Final Report Format (pdf), Final Schedule (pdf)

Final Presentation (Video Presentation - Voice over power point): SLAM 1 and SLAM 3    (*NOTE: If the link does not play automatically, try to download and play the file on your device.)


Previous Class of Senior Design: Year 2018-2019