VIP Classes of EECE 101/201/302

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science    Howard University

Dr. Charles Kim (Course Coordinator)

This course is for project-based 1-cr course for any and all students for any and all faculty advisors. Students work with their own respective faculty advisors. Only one VIP course may be taken for a given semester.

The Vertically-Integrated Projects (VIP) Program operates in a research and development context. Undergraduate students that join VIP teams earn academic credit for their participation in design/discovery efforts in doing faculty-student team project. The enrolled students join and participate in their desired projects advised by respective faculty members. The instructor of the course acts as the coordinator of the VIP course for the entire VIP projects. Only one VIP course may be taken for a given semester.

Accumulation of 3 VIP courses with passing grade would satisfy one (1) EE/CpE Elective course requirement in the respective curriculum.


The first step you have to take (before registering this course):  You contact faculty members in EE and CpE if they have projects for VIP students.  The following faculty members ususally have faculty-student team projects:  Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, Dr. Charles Kim,  Dr. James Momoh, Dr. Hassan Salmani,  Dr. Eric Seabron, and Dr. Su Yan. If you want to take a VIP course, but you cannot find a faculty member as your project advisor, contact Dr. Charles Kim, the VIP course coordinator at

The second step:  (a) Meet your faculty advisor in the 1st week of the semester, and start the project.  (b) Let the VIP course coordinator know of your status (send email to the VIP course coordinator)


Link to the VIP Course projects and faculty advisors


Success Criteria: (a) Learn new knowledge and skills, (b) Become a contributing team player, and (c) Keep weekly research journal and write, sketch, and design on it (physical journal or electronic journal)

Grading Criteria: (a) Individual Weekly Research Journal (or Final report) evaluation 33%, (b) Faculty advisor's evaluation 33%, and (c) Self-assessment evaluation (mid-term and final) 33%.


Assessment Form (Mid-Term):   Word format and PDF format.  (Email submission to )

Assessment Form (FINAL):   Word format and PDF format.  (Email submission to )