Senior Design Class of 2015-2016

Dr. Charles Kim




Lecture Notes:

Syllabus of the course

Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2:  Design Process - Overview (assignment embedded)
Lecture 3: VIP and Teamwork
Lecture 4: TRIZ

Lecture 5: Problem Formulation (Team assignment at the last page)

Lecture 6: Design Requirement (Team Assignment)

Lecture 7: Solution Generation (Team Assignment for Individual and Team Conceptual Design)

Lecture 8: Alternative Designs, Analysis, and Top Design Selection (Team activity + Presentation Requirement)

Lecture 9: Oral Presentation + Elevator Pitch

Lecture 10: Project Implementation and Evaluation Plan (Plan Form in MS Word and PDF formats)

Lecture 11: Progress Reporting and Presentation

Progress Presentation Schedule:

 First Progress - Feb 10: Arm, UCC, Golden Snitch, and Intruder;  Feb 17: Slate8, FLEX, and Telescope

Second Progress - Feb 24: Intruder, Golden Snitch, UCC, and Arm;    Mar 2: Telescope, FLEX, and Slate8

Yahoo's Class Visit (Feb 2016)

Mr. Jeffrey Scholz, an Yahoo engineer, visited the class and shared his experiences as a software engineer.


Lecture 12: Preparation for 26th ECE Day


ECE DAY: Thursday, April 7, 2016 (Forum, Blackburn Center)

Agenda (Program)

Terminator Arm: Presentation and Final Report


Ayotude Odejayi and Mark Chase


Flex: Presentation and Final Report


Abenezer Hailu and Robert Mercer


Intruder: Presentation and Final Report

Amanuel Getahun, Darren Earle, and Taylor White


Slate8: Presentation and Final Report

Michelle Warren and Vanessa Galani


HU Telescope: Presentation and Final Report

Jarrett Goddard and Marlon Smith


UCC: Presentation and Final Report

Emmanuel Morrow and Jonathan Branscomb


Golden Snitch:

Alphonzo St. Fleur, Warren Dennis, and other non-senior members.


Keynote Speakers


Ms. Faith Davis and Mr. Derek McGowan


Award Ceremony

First Place Winner - Terminator Arm


Second Place Winner - Intruder


Thrid Place Winner - Slate8


Top Student of the Year Award - Mr. Ayotunde Odejayi


Group Photo


Jumps (the traditional Jumps) for our future and success



Previous Class of Senior Design: Year 2014-2015