EECE421 Power System Analysis (Fall 2017)

Dr. Charles Kim


Pre- or Co-Requiste Courses: EECE203 Fundamentals of Circuit Theory


Syllabus of the course


Subject 1: Introduction


Subject 2: Background Material (Complex Number and Phasor Concept)


Subject 3: Basic Concept (Part 1 -  Phasor & Power Flow and Part 2 - three (3)-phase circuit and Part 3 - per-unit system)


Subject 4: Transmission Lines (Impedance (Chapter 3- Part1, Chapter 3- Part2), Capacitance (Chapter 4))


Subject 5: Current and Voltage Relations (Part 1 and Part 2) and System Modeling


Subject 6: Network Calculations


Subject 7: Advanced Subjects - Load Flow, Economic Dispatch, Symmentrical Components, Faults, System Protection, Stability