* The class acknowledges the Intel's support through the 2011 Curriculum Development Grant.
Catalog Data: This course provides and prepares students with fundamental knowledge of Atom processor and the development skills of the chipset for the application of the processor in the next course in sequence, EECE456 Embedded Systems Design Lab. The first several lectures of the course are dedicated to x86 microarchitecture with MASM based assembly language programming, and the second part is focused on the Atom processor architecture and platform architecture for the board. Also, code designs and COTS OS selection and software development tools are covered.
Pre-Requisites:Digital System Design or Instructors approval
Instructor: Dr. Charles Kim, LKD 3014; 202-806-4821; ckim@howard.edu
Office Hours: MT 1500 1700 & R 1400-1500
Class Time: TR 1700 1830 @ LKD 3015
TAs: Ravi Jaglal and Gerard Spivey
Grading Policy: Attendance; Coding Practices; Class Projects; Mid-term and Final exams.
Class Schedule:
4. Intel Architecture - IA32
5. Programming Environment of x86
6. Coding - Branching
7. Coding - Procedures
8. Intel Atom Processor Board - "Tunnel Creek" Introduction
9. The first step for Tunnel Creek - connection with PC