Lecture Notes on Fault Detection and Location in Distribution Systems

* This lecture notes are the compilation of the lecture with the same title given for the post-graduate students at Aalto University (formerly Teknillinen korkeakoulu (TKK) or The Helsinki University of Technology in Espoo, Finland) in June 2010.

Charles Kim, Ph.D.


Citation:  Charles Kim (2010), Lecture Notes on Fault Detection and Location in Distribution Systems.


Lecture 1: Lecture Introduction

Lecture 2: Faulted Power System

Lecture 3: Fault Location Algorithms

Lecture 4: Fault Indicators

Lecture 5: Sub-Cycle Self-Clearing Fault Location

Lecture 6: Fault Location using Utility Smart Grid Infrastructure

Lecture 7: Final Exam



Final Exam -- Student Works

Implementation of Patent 1 by Lauri Kytt
Implementation of Pattent2 by Antti Koto
Implementation of Patent3 by Marko Pikkarainen
Implementation of Patent4 by Andrey Lana
Implementation of Patent4 by Heidi Krohns
Implementation of Patent5 by Antti Mutanen
Implementation of Patent5 by Jani Valtari