Mobile studio class means, instead of heavy equipment and other measurement device stationed in a laboratory room, that we put those functions of instrumentation into a computer. In other words, a software inside your PC replaces oscilloscope, function generator and other equipment. Instead of bulky power supply, we use regular, handy 9V batteries. The only additional thing, which is an essential part though, is an interface board between your circuit in the breadboard and the computer's USB port.
With your breadboard and your laptop (or Tablet PC), now you are ready to conduct any lab work at any place: your dorm, library, or restaurant. with your laptop (or tablet pc), If you do not have your own laptop, don't worry. We can install the instrumentation software in any PC we have in the building. Just bring the interface board and your breadboard to any PC in the building. So it's more like a 24/7 lab, isn't it.
Then there should not be a separate lab course as we have now. Instead, we can merge lab and lecture together. Instead of reporting to a laboratory room at least once a week, and of coming again (hopefuilly the room is still open and parts are available) to finish your unfinished job, you can conduct your lab at your own schedule, of course, within a week or so.
MOBILE STUDIO for Network Analysis II (Fall 2004)
Mobile Studio Class for the Treble Volume Control (Dr. Don Millard from RPI led the class)
Some Photos:
Andrew Barnor is testing is USB interface board as the Tablet PC and "scope" software do not respond as they are expected (Left). Dr. Mohamed Chouikha came over to shoot a few jokes (Right).
MOBILE STUDIO for Network Analysis I (SPRING 2005)
Keisha D'Anaurd in her test (Left). Dr. Don Millard is helping Jan Jerry (Right).
Keisha D'Anaurd and Andrew Pierre check their circuit with Dr. Don Millard (Left). Crystal Toney and Lionel Fleshman are busy with tapping the Tablet PC (Right)