Capstone/Senior Design Classes of the World

Charles Kim (

This web site accumulates and compares "Senior/Capstone Design" courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering/Science and related disciplines in colleges and university in the United States and other countries.  Notify me via email any problem in the link or any recent update.


Columbia University - Biomedical Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology - Several Engineering Disciplines and VIP (Vertically Integrated Projects Program) at GT: This expands down to freshmen classes and up to graduate student involvement

Howard University - Electrical and Computer Engineering

Oregon State University - School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Purdue University's EPIC (Engineering Projects in Community Service)  and EPICS University and EPICS High

Purdue University's VIP (Vertically Integrated Projects)

San Diego State University - Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of California, Berkeley - Bio-Engineering

University of Idaho - Interdisciplinary Capstone Design

University of Ilan (Taiwan) - VIP teaching

University of Michigan's MDP (Multidisciplinary Design Program)

University of North Texas - Several Engineering Disciplines

University of South Florida - Computer Science and Engineering

University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK) VIP program