Senior Design 2011-2012

Dr. Charles Kim

0. About the Course

Dr. Charles Kim; (202)806-4821; LKD 3014;
Syllabus 1 for Senior Design I
Syllabus 2 for Senior Design II

1. Introduction

Design Process

2. Problem Formulation

Identifying Needs and Defining Problems
Design Requirements
Example Design Requirements -  Example 1 (pdf format, XLS format), Example 2 (pdf format, XLS format), and Example 3 (pdf format, XLS format)
Design Topics (Briefs)
Project Success
Project Proposal
Oral Presentation


**** Class Activities **** Team works on Current Status of Art
**** Visitors to the Class ****
September 14, 2011: Derssie Mebratu, a Ph.D. student, shares his summer NASA experience in satellite control of Grover robot.



October 12, 2011: Dr. Gary Harris, the director of Howard Nanofabrication Facility, introduced swallowable capsule technology.
October 19, 2011: A team of San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) presented about utility industry employment
October 19, 2011: Mr. Gregory West from Northrop Grumman visited the class and presented a project on On-Demand Fiber to Ethernet Conversion


Proposal Panel Review: Public Presentation
December 9, 2011 (1 - 4 pm) at 3121 LKD Hall
* Proposal Presentation Program


Swallowable Capsule 1 - Matters of Heart- Proposal and Presentation File
LEFT: Ashley Wells, Cimoya Collins, Michelle Lilley, and Gilbert Hopkins. RIGHT: Cimoya Collins strongly defends the team's position.


Swallowable Capsule 2 - Proposal and Presentation File
LEFT: Brima Bah, Lauren King, Bathiya Senevirthna, and Kurubel Medemdemia. RIGHT: Brima Bah entertains the audience.
Intel Cup 1 - Blind Assist - Proposal and Presentation File
*Note: This team is selected as a wild card team of the Intel Cornell Cup 2011 Competition
Howard University Teams in Cornell Cup USA 2012
LEFT: Christopher Urquhart, Nathaniel Simms, and Oluwaseyitan Durodola. RIGHT: Nathaniel Simms details the team's proposal.


Intel Cup 2 - Green Lighting - Proposal and Presentation File
*Note: This team is selected as one of 20 finalists of the Intel Cornell Cup 2011 Competition
Howard University Teams in Cornell Cup USA 2012
LEFT: Shamir Saddler, Ameer Baker, and Chidi Ekeocha. RIGHT: Ameer Baker confidently explains the design content.


Fiber to Ethernet - Proposal and Presentation File
LEFT: Andrew Hillocks, Damola Alabi, Montaque Jones, and Jasmine Little. RIGHT: Damola Alabi answers questions.


Fault Location by Smart Meter - Proposal and Presentation File
LEFT: Andrew Ellis, Kelvin Goodman, and Kevin Peynado. RIGHT: Kelvin Goodman answers questions from the reviewers.


Radio and TV Search Engine - Proposal and Presentation File
LEFT: Christopher Caesar and Jonathan Murphy. RIGHT: Christopher Caesar speaks up for the importance of the project.


External reviewers share their comments and recommendations
LEFT: Gregory West (Northrop Grumman), Clarence Bell (FERC), Jeff Volosin (NASA), and Tom Hickey (Honeywell). RIGHT: Marlon Mckinnie (NRL).
After the closure of the presentation, the Smart Meter team members (Andrew Ellis and Kelvin Goodman) listens to Clarence Bell's opinion on the subject as Jonathan Murphy is also eager to learn from the industry expert in energy policies.


3. Problem Solving ( "It would appear that genius is not at all a divine and rare gift, but it is the destiny of everyone who has not been born a complete idiot" - P. K. Engelmeier, a Russian engineer)


VISITOR: Dr. Bialek presented on "Smart Grid" for the class on January 18, 2012

Winter Break Assignment Check (* Note: Winter Break Plan of the teams)
Problem Solving and System Design Method
Progress Reporting

4. Solution Implementation

Solution Implementation and Evaluation Plan
Examples: Report, Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Bad-and-Good Plan [in xls format]


Team Swallowable Capsule 1 [CAP1]: [Left] Gilbert Hopkins, Ashley Wells, Cimoya Collins, and Michelle Lilley in the example run of a pH sensor. [Right] Michelle Lilley explains the EM250 evaluation board. Dr. Gary Harris is the advisor of the team.
Team Fiber to Ethernet [F2E]: Jasmine Little runs her code of BS2 but Damola Alabi hides behind her while Montaque Jones and Andrew Hillocks ride on the run and fun. Mr Gregory West and his colleagues help the team.
Team Smart Meter [SM]: Kelvin Goodman proudly displays his fault location on a google map as Andrew Ellis and Kevin Peynado joins in taking the pride. Drs. Tom Bialek and Charles Kim advise the team.
Team Intel Cup1 - Blind Assistant [CUP1]: [left] Nate Simms, Christopher Urquhart, and Joshua Durodola demonstrates the direction assistance and the obstacle alert features of their project. [Right] Christopher Urquhart vibrates the SUN Spot motes as an obstacle approaches toward the ultrasound sensors. This team is selected as the 1 of 4 wild card teams of the Cornell Cup USA 2012 - sponsored by Intel Corp. The final competition is held on May 4 - 5, 2012 at the Disney Contemporary Resort. Dr. Charles Kim is the advisor of the team for the Cornell Cup. Howard University Teams in Cornell Cup USA 2012 ---- UPDATE (5/1/2012 -- This team is the Wild Card Team Winner, and is invited to the final competition!!!)
Team Intel Cup 2 - Green Lighting [CUP2]: Shamir Saddler mans the keyboard for the light sensor-controller dimming effect demonstration as Ameer Baker peeks into the actions and Chidi Ekeocha leads the demo run. This team is selected as the 1 of 24 finalists of the Cornell Cup USA 2012 - sponsored by Intel Corp. The final competition is held on May 4 - 5, 2012 at the Disney Contemporary Resort. Dr. Charles Kim is the advisor of the team for the Cornell Cup. Howard University Teams in Cornell Cup USA 2012


Team Swallowable Capsule 2 [CAP2]: [Left] Bathiya Senevirathna holds his iPhone as Kurubel Medemdemia measures temperature of a temperature sensor module on the bench while Lauren King blows some heat to the module with a hair dryer. [Right] Details of the sensor module and the iPhone with data reading and emailing application developed inside. Dr. Gary Harris is the advisor of the team.
5. Preparation for Final Presentation and Poster
Final Presentation Contents and Tips ( Example Presentations : Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Example 4, and Example 5)
(b) POSTER PREPARATION (which goes with Demonstration)
Perfect Poster (Poster Preparation Instruction). Source: American Psychological Association
Scientific Poster Design (Link to the source - Cornell University)
Design of Scientific Poster (Link to the source - Penn State University)


The 22nd ECE Day (W April 18, 2012) @Blackburn Center
Team 1: Blind Assistant – Intel Cup 1: Oluwaseyitan Durodola (Leader), Christopher Urquhart, and Nathaniel Simms: Presentation and Final Report The Wild Card Team Winnder of Cornell Cup USA 2012. Follow this team at Howard University Teams in Cornell Cup USA 2012
[Left] Joshua, Nate, and Chris in presentation. [Right] Keir Morris joins the team in demonstarting the gear to Dr. John Trimble.
The night before the ECE day, Joshua dons and tests the gear for the direction and the obstacle alert system.


Team 2: Fiber to Ethernet Converter: Damola Alabi, Andrew Hillocks, Jasmine Little (Leader), and Montaque Jones: Presentation and Final Report
Damola, Jasmine, and Montaque explain the fiber to ethernet converter to Dr. Don Millard.
Team 3: Smart Fault Location by Smart Meters: Andrew Ellis (Leader), Kelvin Goodman, and Kevin Peynado: Presentation and Final Report
[Left] Andrew, Kelvin, and Kevin in presentation. [Right] Kevin, Andrew, and Kelvin in demonstartion for Mr. Anthony Waterman.


Team 4: Matters of the Heart: Swallow-able Capsule - 1: Cimoya Collins, Gilbert Hopkins, Michelle Lilley (Leader), and Ashley Wells: Presentation and Final Report
[Left] Michelle, Ashley, Cimoya, and Gilbert present. [Right] Cimoya explains the "pill" to Dr. Deidre Spaulding and Mr. Tom Hickey.


Team 5: Radio Television Search Engine: Christopher Caesar, Bryant Beeler, and Jonathan Murphy (Leader): Presentation and Final Report
[Left] Bryant, Chris, and Jonathan in presentation. [Right] Jonathan, Chris, and Bryant in demonstration for Mr. Tom Hickey.


Team 6: Green Lighting – Intel Cup 2: Ameer Baker, Chidi Ekeocha (Leader), and Shamir Saddler: Presentation and Final Report A Finalist in the Cornell Cup USA 2012 Competition. Follow this team at Howard University Teams in Cornell Cup USA 2012
[Left] Ameer, Shamir, and Chidi in Q&A session. [Right] Mr. Tom Hickey and Dr. Don Millard asks a few questions to the team.


Team 7: Swallow-able Capsule – 2: Brima Bah, Lauren King, Kurubel Medemdemia, and Bathiya Senevirathna (Leader): Presentation and Final Report
[Left] Brima, Kurubel, Lauren, and Bathia in presentation. [Right] Dr. John Anderson and Mr. Raymond Bowman enjoy the iPhone Application of the project.


[Left] Judges (and Industry advisors) sit and stand together with ECE department's Assessment committee: from left, Dr. Mohamed Chouikha, Mr. Anthony Waterman, Mr. Tom ickey, Dr. John Anderson, Mr. Carlton Blue, Mr. Kevin Engram, Dr. Charles Kim, and Dr. Mihai Dimian. [Right] Dr. Deidre Spaulding sits flanked by Mr. Engram and Mr. Waterman.
Industry Advisors and Judges are recognized for their services (with a T-shirt and a mug).
.......................................Mr. Carlton Blue ............................................................. Mr. Raymond Bowman
.....................................Dr. John Davis ..........................................................................Mr. Kevin Engram
...............................Mr. Tom Hickey .............................................................................Dr. Deidre Spaulding
..........................Mr. Steven Wachira


And, Ms. Dezerine Wallen, the organizer of the ECE Day for so long (10 years? 20 years) was recognized for her committment and meticulous event planning and operation.
Ms. Dezerine Wallen with Drs. Kim and Chouikha. Thanks!


[Left] The luncheon keynote speaker, Professor Sergei Verdu of Princeton University, entertains the audience with a heavy subject of the Claude Shannon's Mathematical Theory of Communication, and he does not forget to metion that a logarithm and a limit are as important indexes in the theory as a gun and a girl are in American movies. [Right] Dr. Mohamed Chouikha presents an appreciate plaque to Prof. Verdu.
The First Place of the ECE Day (with $55 voucher for each member)
The "Blind Assistant" group won the first place. Follow this team at Howard University Teams in Cornell Cup USA 2012


The second place (with $45 voucher for each member)
The Capsule 2 team won the second place.


The third place (with $40 voucher for each member)
The "Green Lighting" won the third place. Follow this team at Howard University Teams in Cornell Cup USA 2012


And, the Top Student Award of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department 2011-2012 goes to Joshua Durodola (with GPA 4.0/4.0)
Joshua accepts the top student plaque from Dr. Chouikha, the chair of the department.



This photo is taken actually before the luncheon, before the award ceremony, and all.


As the grand finale of the day, we jump for the success.


We jump again for our future.


6. Life after the ECE Day

(a) Final Report Submission
Final Report Preparation
Example Final Report 1 & Report 2
(b) Project Binder Submission
7. Forms (Most Recent and Updated. For other forms, check with Previous Senior Design Classes)
Design Requirement Form (revised and provided in the class)
Peer Evaluation Form (2012 version)
Team Contract Form (revised and provided in the class)
Project Binder

8. Other Senior Design Classes (2007-20082008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, and 2012-2013)