Senior Design Class: 2008-2009

Dr. Charles Kim

0. About the Course

Syllabus 1 for Senior Design I
Syllabus 2 for Senior Design II

1. Introduction

Design Process Review updated

2. Problem Formulation

Identifying Needs and Defining Problems updated
Design Requirements updated
Design Topics updated
Guest Speaker Series(1): (This event is in joint with IEEE Education Society Washington-Baltimore Chapter)
Date: September 17, 2008
Topic: "Experience in Automobile Industry" (with 3 Design Topics in Vehicle Technology)
Speaker: Tomi Igun (Plant Vehicle Engineer-Electrical, Chrysler LLC)
Date: October 15, 2008
Topic: "High Level Functional Descriptions on 3 Chrysler Projects"
Speaker: Tomi Igun (Plant Vehicle Engineer-Electrical, Chrysler LLC)


Guest Speaker Series(2): (This event is in joint with IEEE Education Society Washington-Baltimore Chapter)
Date: September 24, 2008
Topic: "Smart Grid"
Speaker: Dr. Tom Bialek (Chief Engineer, San Diego Gas & Electric)
Guest Speaker Series(3):
Date: October 22, 2008
Topic: "NG Power Connector"
Speaker: Greg West (Manager, NG) and Allen Kelly(Fellow Engineer, NG)


Teamwork Updated with "Road Map"
Project Proposal Revised
Proposal Presentation Updated


Proposal Review Panel (November 19, 2008. Downing Hall #2019): Photo: Tim Brown

Invited Industry Experts: Allen Kelly (NGC), Tomi Igun (Chrysler), Thomas Hickey (Honeywell), and Greg West (NGC)
Participated HU Faculty Members: Dr. John Anderson (ECE), Dr. James Hammonds (ME), and Dr. Grant Warner (ME)
(From left: Tomi Igun, Allen Kelly, Tom Hickey, Greg West, Grant Warner, and James Hammonds.)
Class Observers: Dr. Lois Trautvetter (Northwestern University) and Dan Mersar (Penn State University)
Dan (left) and Dr. Trautvetter
Event Program: Proposal Review Panel
AMF (Automated Map Follower): Presentation File, Photo1, Photo2, Photo3, Project Proposal without signature pages
CAR1 (EcoCAR Control Team 1): Presentation File, Photo, Project Proposal without signature pages
CAR 2 (EcoCAR Control Team 2): Presentation File, Photo, Project Proposal without signature pages
DFL (Distribution Fault Locator): Presentation File, Photo1, Photo2, Project Proposal without signature pages
LDW1 (Lane Drift Warning System 1): Presentation File, Photo, Project Proposal without signature pages
LDW2 (Lane Drift Warning System 2): Presentation File, Photo, Project Proposal without signature pages
RAR (Remote Antenna Rotator): Presentation File, Photo1, Photo2, Project Proposal without signature pages
UCC (Underwater Electrical Connector): Presentation File, Photo1,Photo2, Movie, Project Proposal without signature pages

3. Problem Solving ( "It would appear that genius is not at all a divine and rare gift, but it is the destiny of everyone who has not been born a complete idiot" - P. K. Engelmeier, a Russian engineer)

Problem Solving (with Class Schedule)
Progress Report


4. Solution Implementation

Solution Implementation
ECE Design Progress Presentation (Review Panel. March 11, 2009): L. K. Downing Hall
Participants:  All 8 Teams of the Senior Design Class
Progress Presentation Reviewers: Tom Hickey (Honeywell), Allen Kelly (NGC), Grant Warner (ME), Mohamed Chouikha (ECE), and Mihai Dimian (ECE)
Reviewers:  left, Dr. Mihai Dimian and Dr. Mohamed Chouikha,  and, right, Tom Hickey, Dr. Grant Warner, and Allen Kelly.
AMF (Automated Map Follower): Presentation
CAR1 (EcoCAR Control Team 1): Presentation
CAR 2 (EcoCAR Control Team 2): Presentation
DFL (Distribution Fault Locator): Presentation
LDW1 (Lane Departure Warning System 1): Presentation
LDW2 (Lane Departure Warning System 2): Presentation
RAR (Remote Antenna Rotator): Presentation
UCC (Underwater Electrical Connector): Presentation
ECE Day -- April 20, 2009  Blackburn Center, Howard University
After the presentation and demonstration, we all pose for a group photo of the19th ECE Day. 
Team AMF (Presentation File
(Left) Clifton Lomax explains his project to Dr. Bialek while Ozioma Obiaka excites Mr. Jermon Bafaty and Tomi Igun with his responds.  (Left) Clifton leads and answers Mr. Tom Hickey's question as Isaac Collins, Endor Copper, and Nicholas Baker look on.
Team AMF won the second place: from left, Dr. Mohamed Chouikha (ECE department chair), Nicholas Baker, Endor Cooper, Clifton Lomax, Isaac Collins, Ozioma Obiaka, Dr. James Johnson, Jr. (Dean of the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Computer Sciences).


Team CAR1 (Presentation File)
Shanell Haley and chinnazor Ukeekwe are all smiling in describing their team's work.
Team CAR2 (Presentation File)
(Left) Dr. John Anderson lectures his questions as Seitu Brathwaite, Tarik Wright and Katrelle Jones are busy with deciphering them.  (Right) Seitu Brathwaite explains to Mr. Clay Dean.
Team DFL (Presentation File)
Mr. Carlton Blue discusses some important subjects with Hassan Disu, Henry Cobb, Tierra Byrd, and Tracy Adams.
Team LDW1 (Presentation File)
(Left0 Dr. Mihai Dimian wheels to test the system while Peter Ramsumair gives instructions. At the back, Mr. Tom Hickey and Mr. Rick Mahase are seen, busy with grading team AMF. (Right) Mr. Mike Allen and Dr. Mihai Dimian survey the poster board while Uzoma Nwagba and Mr. Greg West exchanges points.
Team LDW1 won the first place: from left, Uche Monu, Uzom Nwagba, Peter Ramsumair, and Chuk Ekeocha with Drs. Chouikha and Johnson.


Team LDW2 (Presentation File)
Dr. Charles Kim and Mr. Steve Wachira shares the importance of LDW2 project in, especially, some African countries.
Team RAR (Presentation File)
(Left) Tolu Akinyosoye is fired up in demonstrating her team's work to Dr. Bialek.  (Right) in addition, Mr. Jermon Bafaty provides recommendation to Cyril Acholo with Omolade Salawu in alert.
Team UCC (Presentation File)
Amanda Dean and Mike Allen look on the poster board and demo product after their discussion while Mr. Allen Kelly and Matthew and Andrea Berkeley go on their conversation.
Team UEC is placed third.  Shanika Brumfield, Amada Dean, Andrea Berkeley, and Matthew Taylor with Drs. Chouikha and Johnson.


Industry Advisors Recognized
Tomi Igun (Top left), Allen Kelly (top right), and Tom Bialek (Above),  each accepts a plague of certification of appreciation of their service to senior design projects as external advisors.


5. Forms/Samples/Templates

Design Requirement Form (NEW)
Team Evaluation Form
Peer Evaluation Form (NEW)
Meeting Agenda Sample
Meeting Minute Sample
Team Contract Form
Proposal Template (NEW)

6. Other Senior Design Classes (2009-2010, 2010-2011, and 2011-2012)