Lab Reporting

A. NOTE Individual Report --  Lab Report is an individual work even though a lab work may be done in a group.  Each person in a group should submit his/her own lab report individually.
B. FORMAT There is no standard format, but each lab report should include the following 7 sections (No Cover page, please) 
  1. Submission: Date; Group Number; Name; ID 
  2. Title: Lab# followed by topic of the lab (Example: Lab 4: Sound Generation)
  3. Scenario:  Describe a fictional situation you apply this lab (ex: when an intruder approaches, a sound sensor picks up the sound and/or voice, then the controller alert with blinking LED and sounding a buzzer)

4. Components:  Elements and equipment used in the lab:  This section is very important.  For each element/component/sensor, provide: (a). Name of the element (ex. Analog sound sensor); (b) The functions of the element (what does the element do?  What’s the element for?); (c) A schematic diagram (inputs and outputs are to be clearly marked) and a picture of the elements; and (d) Connection method or protocol (ex. serial communication, direct connection with H or L output, Active LOW indicates the detection, etc.)

  5. Schematic Diagram: Draw a connection diagram of the Platform with input and output pins and the elements/components/sensors.  The pin numbers and the corresponding elements are to be clearly marked in the connection diagram.   And these pin numbers should be matched with the code.  Hint for a good schematic diagram (1, 2, 3, and 4).
   6. Troubleshooting: Describe the problems you have faced in the lab, if any, and state how you solved the problem and completed the lab
   7. Attachment: Your code

1. A lab report should represent what has been demonstrated in the class. 

  2. A lab report should be submitted (after a lab was demonstrated in the class with all members present, and cleared by the instructorin an electronic format via email by the next class.   Electronic File Naming Convention: Lab{no}_{Last Name}.{File Type} ; (Ex) Lab3_Smith.pdf
  3. A lab Report submitted without Demo Clearance is not accepted.
  4. A late Report is not accepted.

Embedded Systems Design Lab