Intel Intelligent Systems Curriculum Development 2012-2013
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Howard University
Washington DC 20059
"Atom-Based System Integration for Senior Design Project Courses"
This project is supported by Intel Corporation in 2012-2013 academin year.

Project Overview:

The objective of the integration of Intel Atom-processor board to the Senior Design I  & II is to give students high-end, media-rich platform for their project implementation.  Senior design projects, in their completed forms, are all digital or computer systems.  In other words, without computers or microcomputer applications, there is no completed design project.  Up to now, without financial support, the senior design courses have relied in the use of system integration platform on students’ own expenses and minimal level of support from the department.  Therefore, the usual system implementation platforms were low-end microcontrollers which satisfied only simple input and output controls.   However, students’ need and application demands are moving toward mobile computing and smart& intelligent devices and applications such as autonomous robot, GPS and Web-based blind assistant, and radar data management.  These applications need various and standardized connectivity and well established software development environment.  The Intel Atom-processor board will provide the much needed implementation platform for mobile- and media-rich application oriented senior design projects.

Intel Embedded System Integration for Senior Design Project:

The Atom-based embedded system will be used as the common, and the only, system implementation and integration platform for all senior design projects which require computer systems.

Link to the EECE401 Senior Design I and EECE 404 Senior Design II class

Intel Atom Boards:

Ten (10) DE2i-150 HW  - Intel N2600 Atom CPU and the Altera Cyclone IV FPGA

Project Investigator:

Dr. Charles Kim ( Tel: 202-806-4821)

Student Workers:

Ravindranath Jaglal (Graduate Student) -- TA + Module Development
Keir Moris (Undergraduate student) -- System Module Development

Cornell Cup USA 2013 Presented by Intel:              

     Cornell Cup USA is officially announcing the 2013 student contest!  It is targeting “senior level projects” for this contest and this is a great opportunity for students to apply their learning and put together a team to contend for a spot in the final competition. The teams who are selected get free HW, access to Intel technical support, $2500 cash, access to Cornell support and an invitation to the final event on May 3 & 4, 2013, at Disney World, FL.  We have a limited number of entries that will be approved and the amount of work needed for a quality entry is important.   The contest entry due date is October 17.  Based on last year’s feedback from the participating students, this is a very rewarding and valuable experience.  The contest web site containing all the details, including the team’s application, is .  Please share this contest within your networks.  The grand prize is $10,000!

Link:  Cornell Cup USA 2013 - Presented by Intel

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