EECE499: Special Topics: Computers and Nuclear Energy 2012

* Development of this course was sponsored by the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission through the grant #: NRC-10-27-1123.

Catalog Data: This course focuses on the basic understanding of the challenge in computer control of safety-critical systems including nuclear power plants, guiding students through the topics of computer related accidents in safety-critical systems; computers and risks and challenges of computer-controlled systems; software project failures; software reliability; defense in depth and diversity; diversity training kit; and diversity kit lab. In addition, students are exposed to nuclear energy related subjects such as reactors, nuclear safety, licensing process, power generation, and severe accident analysis, taught by nuclear experts.

Coordinator: Dr. Charles Kim, Electrical and Computer Engineering     



Class Schedule:




           Andrew Hillocks                                                                    Bryant Beeler                                                                  Mecaela Holmes

                                   Kolanji Bankole                                                                                                                       Ashley Wells




                             Jasmine Little


                    Garmon West                                                                                     Kevin Williams
                            Shawn Marshall                                                                                        Shaddy Abdelaal in question


                           Herman Graves                                                                                                               Pamela Longmire


                     Joseph Ignatius                                                                                                         Andrew Hillocks


                               Nate Jordan                                                                                                                                                                      Tamara Powell



                     Tanya Ford and Janelle Jessie                                                                      Joseph Ignatius with discussion




                   Deborah Jackson giving final comments for the class